Zebra Promotions is the specialist UK Welfare Benefits training company for Training Workshops provided by Peter Barker, a well-known and respected authority in this area of work for over 25 years.
ONLINE (“ZOOM”) Workshops
18 February - HB & Supported Accommodation - Key Issues Refresher & Update On Regulatory Changes - For Local Authority Staff EXTRA DATE - LAST FEW PLACES!
29 & 30 April - Introduction To Housing Benefit & CTR (2 days)
1 May - HB Subsidy Awareness & HB Overpayments
20 May - HB & Supported Housing - The Complete 2025/26 Guide For Local Authority Staff
22 May - The Benefits Adjudication Framework - Claimant Changes, Reviews & Complex Issues
3 June - TBC
5 June - Assessing Means Tested Benefits For Small Business Owners (Self-Employed & Ltd Company Directors)
12 June - HB & CTR Appeals & Tribunals - The Good Practice Guide
19 June - Immigration Rules & Benefits For Person Arriving From Overseas
Further May-June Workshop topics and dates to be published at the end of February.
Although the Workshops are Online we still strictly limit the number of people attending to enable participation and questions. This has meant some of our Workshops often get over-subscribed, so we recommend that you please book early.
We continue to offer our wide range of Benefits Programmes as In-House Workshops for groups of 5-16 staff from individual organisations, such as "Immigration & Benefits" - please contact us for details.
Our advertised Online Workshops are presented on the ZOOM platform, although Online In-house courses can also be presented at your own training venue or on TEAMS if this is preferred.
Supported Housing Workshops For the RSL & Providers Sector
These are only available as In-House Workshops for individual organisations - Online or at your own training venue:
HB & Supported Accommodation For RSLs & Private Sector Providers - A Provider's Guide
Supported Accommodation, HB, & The New Licensing Regime - For RSL's & Private Sector Providers
A wide range of other Benefits topics are also available for the RSL & Providers sector - please contact us for information.
Our Benefits specialists are still available for consultancy work that is primarily home based, such as preparing complex Benefits Appeals, etc. Please email for further details outlining your requirements.
Most of our Workshops can also be provided In-House or Online for individual organisations who are looking for a particular course for a large group of their staff (up to 16), many of which you can find further information about on our web site. A few Workshops we only provide In-House so they can be tailored to specific requirements.
Some of or popular courses available for In-House Bookings for Groups of up to 16 staff - contact us for further details:
We can either organise these at a specific local venue, or we can provide them Online via ZOOM or TEAMS. Please contact us outlining your requirements for further information.
Please reserve your preferred dates early! We are often booked up for at least 2 months in advance.
24 West Mount, Orrell, Wigan, WN5 8LX
Tel: 01942 222078 eMail: Mail@ZebraPromotions.UK
Be the first to hear about upcoming Welfare Benefits Workshops. We do not pass your email address to ANY other company or organisation. It is used only for keeping you informed of our Welfare Benefits Training Workshops & related Consultancy Services.)